
Gone all 2007

So it seems I’ve finally caught up to 2007, not only have I got this twitter thing (about which I have another blog entry forming) but after 920 days since the last time I used it, I’ve re-installed Steam. I’ll be first to admit, I’m a sucker for a bit of a freebie give-away, and what better give-away is there than Valve’s Portal free to claim till May 24th.

Now at this point, I might have talked about the game (not that it’s really useful any more), or about how Steam has fixed those things that made me stop using it, over 2 years ago. Unfortunately, everything that I disliked about Steam then, seems more or less to still be present in Steam now.

Continue reading “Gone all 2007”

Weechat scripts mass update

So it’s been a while since I posted anything here, and now there’s 4 updates all at once, typical.

Chanmon and Highmon both get bumped up to version 2.0, new things include;

  • Selectable outputs, both sharing the same formatting
  • Buffer logging toggle, no more giant chanmon log file
  • config clean up (command), no longer requires all channels to be set in the config, you only need to set the ones you want off, the command should clean up the config from previous versions
  • /monitor can now be given options, so you can toggle channels from another channel

Nickregain goes to 1.1 with;

  • Added a command delay, to delay sending the configured commands
  • Big fix to occasionally leaking infolist
  • Quit and nick changes should detect again

and finally rslap 1.3 with;

  • Ability to add/remove strings from weechat
  • Optional ability to slap a user back when they slap you

As usual full changelogs, info and dl links in Downloads and should be available on Weechat’s page / via Weeget

Oh and I have this twitter thing, if anyone’s even bothered.

Chanmon & Highmon v1.7

New versions of highmon and chanmon, version 1.7.
This version adds a customisable nick prefix and suffix to both
And makes Chanmon’s dynamic mode, split window aware.

As always, find more info in the Downloads section or via weechat/weeget.

The Mind’s series and Transformers

So over the holidays Barney’s Mind (YouTube) reached its finale, and while Freeman’s and Shephard’s Mind (YouTube) are busy being worked on, a rather awesome rendition of Chell’s Mind (Portal) has appeared to fill the void (YouTube).

Meanwhile, whilst sorting through my old collection of flash video files, I stumbled across the Transformers break-dancing short, by Mark Wilenkin and Lazer (amongst others). Since the original sites and video have long since disappeared from the ‘net and the video is so good, I figured I’d re-post it here.

Please note; I take absolutely zero credit for any of this work, apart from re-hosting it.

Oh and I have a couple posts sitting around the Drafts waiting to be written properly, so hopefully more stuff soon.

Weechat: nickregain bugfix

Live testing of the nickregain script, found a few bugs, in the /ison nickcheck and with the /nickregain command. This release should hopefully patch all those.

Find the updates in Downloads or through Weechat.

Weechat: nickregain

Yet another new script for Weechat 0.3.0

nickregain, will automatically attempt to regain your most preferred nick for each server, by

  1. using a command set, if you provide one,
  2. detecting nick changes and quits, and finally
  3. performing an /ison every x seconds (60 by default)

Version 1.0 is available here, and should soon pop up on weechat’s plug-ins page, and weeget.
Detailed info can be found under it’s respective page in Downloads

Weechat scripts, now with added colours

New versions of highmon and chanmon, both now synced to version 1.6.
This version added colours to channel names for both scripts. Colour’s can either be
off – default text colour
on – generated from buffer name
fixed – A user definable single colour

As always, find them in the Downloads section or via weechat/weeget.