I has finally managed to get this place back up and online…
Okay, here’s the full run down, if you’re interested;
- Site got hit on the 28th of May
- Time passes as I attempt to work out what’s happened
- Finally get onto my host provider, and find out the site got hit and everything deleted manually
- Discover I only have a backup from Feb, and my hosts one is from the 30th.
- Account gets restored on the 8th
- Started to play with te upcoming version of Joomla! before putting the stable back on.
- Hosts discover an issue with cPanel at the same time
- Hosts are forced to go back slightly to get the systems up and running again
- Recreate site once more to this version.
Yay! Well this at least means that I can start from scratch and reformat / code bits that really needed it.
Apart from that, my plans to move out / find another job / learn to drive are eating almost all of my free time, but hopefully I should get some back next month or so and I can start on a couple of ideas I want to do.